
Friday, August 24, 2012

No Place That I'd Rather Be...

There is no other place that I'd rather be, than right in the center of God's will. Whether it be in a tiny house along the sand and heat in Mozambique, or a small house in the inner-city of Atlanta, it doesn't matter, as long as I am right where God wants me. 

As we were searching for homes to rent in Atlanta, I became quite discouraged because I didn't really care for any of houses that we were looking at. I prefer a spacious, modern, and beautiful house with an extra room for homeschooling and a fenced backyard, all for an affordable price. YEAH, RIGHT! Not in the inner-city of Atlanta! 

After searching for about 3 months, we finally found a small house located right in the heart of Atlanta. It has a beautiful backyard with two patios outside, and is in a safe neighborhood. But, it is so small for a family of seven! I was not  thrilled about having to  squish 5 kids in a 1400 square-foot home. So, I started doubting and got discouraged. Then, I asked God to speak to me (again) about our family moving to downtown Atlanta. I hear nothing. Then, as I continue to seek the Lord (and surrender my will again), he reminds me that He already DID speak to me, and that I just need to be obedient.

In the next few days, we will be signing a lease for our new home! And, there is no place that I'd rather be than right where He wants me. So, I am really excited, not because the house is everything that I want, but because it is such an adventure to follow God!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Let the Children Come

Jesus said in Mark 10:13- "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God."

I take my children with me every where I go. When I do ministry, my children follow me and do ministry as well. They are my ministry. I don't want to leave them behind with babysitters so that I can go "minister." I want them right beside me and following my example. This is how they will learn.

Lately, I have seen many awesome ministries, but the family is suffering. Our main ministry is to minister to those closest to us. Our family is our most important ministry. They see us in our weakness, and when we are having a hard day. The whole world can say great and awesome things about us and can think that we are great, but what really matters is what those in our family think.

In Mark 10:13 I believe that the disciples were probably trying to have their alone time with Jesus, and then the children came and "interrupted." They probably were trying to direct the service so that it would cater to the adults. But Jesus was greatly displeased by their effort to control the situation, and wanted the children to come! And then he says, "Unless you become like a child, you will not enter the kingdom."

Become like a child? Children are not tame. They can be noisy. They can be rude. They sometimes don't know how to act proper. But they have sensitive hearts and a whole lot of faith. We must become like them instead of trying to make them become more like us. 

We must lead our children to Jesus and not forbid them. We should stop leaving them, but lead them instead. They count. They matter. They are important to God's heart and they should be important to our hearts as well.